The importance of network security in any organization goes up a notch when you see a list of everything companies face in threats each year. Considering the combination of data, identities, and money involved, having that security measures from companies like Fortinet on top of any security measures you’ve implemented is a given.

Microsoft Exchange mass cyber-attack: Time to enhance cyber security  infrastructure is now | Deccan Herald

From mining your customers’ social media accounts for malicious intent to posting malware-ridden spam in the mail in an attempt to infect the IT systems of businesses across the world, it’s not an overstatement to say the last few years have seen a series of attacks across an array of industries. And as it stands today, Google’s software, Android, is heavily exploited by hackers.

In the past, this didn’t result in mass-scale attacks, but it did attract unwanted attention. With an Android device being embedded into a wide range of industries, security changes at Google have started to see the security of Google products get a lot more attention.

Security enhancements to Android came to light in March of 2015. Designed to help end users, the Google security services help prevent malware and keep Android in top form, allowing users to protect themselves from new attacks. These include a security version of Google Authenticator that helps prevent phishing attacks by requiring users to enter the second part of a two-factor authentication process. And new features include Android Device Manager, which simplifies troubleshooting mobile device security issues, and Crashlytics, which tracks running Android applications.

Most recently, Google has stepped in again, when the company deployed a hard-coded password that every user would need to use when logging in with an Android device. These passwords can’t be changed by end users, so if someone hacks an Android device and gains access to the user’s account, they would be unable to sign in with an alternative password.

The purpose of this security update was not to stop attacks, but to be user friendly to those who’ve previously had problems, since a fresh account is required. This is common with many products these days, even Google’s own products. So for those who haven’t had problems before, why should they rush to update their Android?

Google had previously pushed out security updates before, but given the higher volume of threats today, it seems safer to schedule updates to happen right after a attack takes place. This way, when people start noticing changes on their devices they’ve been running, Google can direct them to the security tools they need to help their security. After all, even Google needs more users in order to sell the products they sell, so the more people there are, the more business their tech products will be able to earn.

Security experts would argue, with all due respect, that this isn’t exactly a great thing for users. It takes time for users to notice security changes, and even longer to patch vulnerabilities when they occur. But by getting these updates out before the bad guys have a chance to use the holes, people will be faster at fixing problems and more secure. The end goal for security is always to protect users from attacking them, not necessarily companies from attacking them.

  1. A coworker stored production assets in Dropbox. Chaos ensued.

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