Object Oriented Javascript
So I was reading a new friend’s blog and found this article about object oriented js. I was already planning…
Using the .call() method in a Javascript object to call methods from another object
So I have an object called toolset that I use to encapsulate some methods that other objects can use. For…
Getting Disabled Form Fields Using JavaScript Only Or jQuery
Edit: So it seems I need to do more research on my posts :P. As it turns out there is…
My First Software Sale
So this is more of a “How-amazing-I-feel” post rather than a technical writing. I have a webapp that I developed…
Turning Joomla into a SOAP Server using components
So I am using SugarCRM to feed data into Joomla. I am using SOAP for this purpose but I couldn’t…
URL Encoder/Decoder
I built this little tool just because 🙂 URL Encoder Decoder Github
DDlab.net Data Entry Sofware
One of the drawbacks of developing internal software is that many times we don’t get to showcase our hard-labor results.…
HTML5 Canvas-JavaScript-based color picker
I made this little tool because i wanted to play a little bit with the canvas in html5 it is…
Remove a folder and its contents recursively with PHP
PHP for all it’s wonderful things can’t delete a non-empty folder. Every time I have to delete a folder I looked…
pureftpd 530 Login authentication failed but cPanel login is ok in VPS [FIX]
I run on this problem the other day, I was getting a 530 Login authentication failed. I hadn’t changed anything on…