Turning Joomla into a SOAP Server using components

So I am using SugarCRM to feed data into Joomla. I am using SOAP for this purpose but I couldn’t really find any good tutorials on how to set up a soap server in Joomla so I am going to share my implementation here. by the way this is for joomla 2.5 i am sure it is as easy in 3.0 but I haven’t jumped ship yet.

It is actually pretty simple. I will assume you are familiar with creating components for Joomla and that you know SOAP. All you really need is a controller and a separate file with your class that you wish to bind to your SOAP Server.

this is what your controller is going to look like

  function servercall(){
      include_once(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_yourcomponent/controllers/class.sugarfunctions.soap.php');
        $uri = 'http://yourdomain.net/';
        $server = new SoapServer(null,array('uri'=>$uri));

      }catch(SoapFault $f){
        // Handle the error
      $app = JFactory::GetApplication();

now you just need to feed your soap client the following URL and that’s it!
Joomla is now a soap server.


Of course don’t forget to include the next to your class to protect it from intruders

defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );

Happy Coding

  1. A coworker stored production assets in Dropbox. Chaos ensued.

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